

1 Aeaea Isle; home of the sorceress Circe.
2 Eteocrete Isle; home of Calypso.
3 Elaea Isle; inhabited by Centaurs.
4 Edomite Isle; inhabited by two Griffins.
5 Nekrotafeeo Isle; cemetery for fallen Amazons.
6 Nekrotameo Isle; cemetery for non Amazons.
7 Scheria Isle; home of Nausica.
8 Eteocyp Isle; inhabited by the Empusa monster.
9 Argadnel Isle; inhabited by the Aloeids (giants).
10 Bithynia Isles; two islands inhabited by Harpies.
11 Argyre Isle; inhabited by Chimera.
12 Aegilips Isle; inhabited by Halycon birds.
13 Erytheia Isle; home of the three-bodied giant Geryon and his fabulous herd of red-skinned cattle.
14 Hyperborea Isle; island of eternal spring with the shores lined by amber-bearing poplar trees and its waters inhabited by flocks of white swans and Lupinoids. It produces two crops of grain per year.
15 Delos Isle; birthplace of Apollo.
16 Symphlegades; the entrance to the inner part of Themiscrya is guarded by 2 giant rocks which slam together whenever someone they dont recognize pass between them, crushing ships and people to a pulp.
17 Thessaly Isle; inhabited by Sirens.
18 Heliades Isle; inhabited by Cyclopes.
19 Ogygia Isle; inhabited by Nymphs.
20 Krocylea Isle; inhabited by Pegasi.
21 Skopelos Isle; inhabited by Orthrus dogs.
22 Neritum Isle; inhabited by giant turtles.
23 Thule Isle; the wool of the sheep of the land is distinguished above all other for its softness. The island also possesses rich mines of gold, silver, copper, tin, and iron.
24 Sarpedon Isle; island of the Gorgones and mines of Mithril.
25 Panachea Isle; filled with spice-trees and a wealth of silver and gold.
26 Delphi Isle; this isle houses one temple for each of the patron goddesses of the Amazons (listed as A-J). The forest on the island is actually a Grove of Serenity with a member of the Throne of Trees and an earth elemental inhabiting it.
27 Erasinos River; the longest of the rivers.
28 Elpeus River
29 Olynthiakos River; the smallest of the rivers.
A Temple of Nike
B Temple of Demeter
C Temple of Nemesis
D Temple of Panaceia
E Temple of Theia
F Temple of Athena
G Temple of Artemis
H Temple of Aphrodite
I Temple of Themis
J Temple of Hecate
K Amazon capitol of Eleusis; close by is a spring of sweet water which leads to Erasinos river which in turn runs through Hesperides Forest. Market gardens and farms outside the city supply the inhabitants with food. These are planted with fruit trees and vegetable beds which include figs, mulberries, nuts, herbs, melons, and vegetables such as leeks, lettuce, cabbages, asparagus, and onions. Nearby are also fields of grain, vineyards, and olive groves.
L Hesperides Forest; rich with ever-fruiting trees. These include apple, orange, lemon, plum, pear and mango trees. On the opposite side of the river are corn fields.
M Haidou Forest; principally filled with cherry, fig and lotus trees.
N Xanthi Forest; principally filled with Olive trees and mushrooms.
O Parnitha Forest; mainly grape vines and various herbs.
P Mt Olympus gate
Q Mt Nysa  nymphs
R The Copais Lakes
S Labyrinthos; an elaborate maze like structure designed and carved into the steppes. Inhabited by the Minotaurs.

